Sunday, June 2, 2019

Gillette :: essays research papers

Gillette is leading worldwide home applicants, such asrazor, battery, electronic and manual toothbrush,manufacturing caller-up. On April 14, 1998, the companyintroduced the worlds first triple blades razor and begun tosell July 1, 1998 in the United States and September in theWestern Europe. Since Gillette launched youthful razor in1998, the company expected lavishly returns in short-termhowever, the result of the new product has been definedyet. SWOT ANALYSIS - Key Learning The areas of theinternal factors are Finance, Management, Manufacturing,Market position, Personnel, and Research &type A Development.All these factors can be defined as either strengths orweakness or both. First of all, the company as a wholegained simoleons sales amount of 10.1 billion dollars and netincome of 1.4 billion dollars for the 1997 due to acquireleading battery company Duracel in 1996 and grow ofSensor Excel razor. As a result, company could overtake 1billion dollars to invent Mach 3 which is tr iple bladesrazor. Even though Gillette had sufficient fund to invent thenew product, the company took high risk of financial sidethat if the new products sale does not reach to companysexpectation, the company will governing body shortage of capitalresources and can be lead to bankruptcy. But if Mach3turn out to be a New Coke or McDonalds patronising Deluxe much-hyped new products that were mostly duds andfizzle- the gloom will be heavy from Gillettes corporateheadquarters in Bostons sand Bay to the South Bostonfactory that Gillette has overhauled to produce 600 millionMach3 blade cartridges per year, or about half of Gillettesannual target of 1.2 billion Mach3 blades. (Boston Globe,4/15/98) Since Gillette introduced "Mach3" in April, thecompany changed its manufacturing tools to produceMach3 South Bostons factory. Gillette already spent 300million dollars for advertising and promotion worldwide forthe year that company introduced new product. Theamount is twice as much a s the company put for advertising"Sensor Excel" in 1989. Gillette released the new productto retail stores on July 1, 1998, and starts to advertise onTV and the other media six weeks later however, manypeople went to the companys web site to look at the newproduct. Even though company spent tremendous amountof fund for the advertising, some people from Asia did notrecognize the product according to our groups survey. Forcustomers, there are satisfaction and complaints forMach3. People, who cheery with Mach3 according toour survey, said there are less irritation and faster shavingtime. Customers who complaint about Mach3 argue thatthey do not want to spend more money on better outlook.According to our survey, one hundred percent of

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