Tuesday, May 28, 2019

What Is Fascism And Why Does It Emerge? :: essays research papers

What is Fascism and Why does it Emerge?The purpose of this essay is to explain what fascism is and why it emerges.Fascism is a political ideology that consists of an whole powering totalitariangovernment, which has total control of the people, the nation and the economy.The fascist economic system creates an upper chassis for the owning/ruling classand leaves the working class in a lower state who in turn produce for the elite.To justify themselves as beneficial to the oppressed lower class, the fascistinstalls an extreme sense of Nationalisms and organicism. If these method donot work then force is used. Fascism emerges out of economic crisis, arevolutionary promise and reaction to capitalism. It is practically allowed toemerge because it is usually easy to get support from the upper class.The fascist political structure consists of a totalitarian government with anextreme sense of absolutism. totalism is the principle of a absolute power incontrol with power that transcends e ven the laws itself, under the control ofone main dictator who carries traits of of a geniuses or of a hero. This waythe masses can be drawn into him through emotion and appeal. With thetotalitarian government the fascist has total control of the nation and thepeople.along with the fascist total ruling over the people and nation came its totalruling over the economy. Although different fascist have had different economicstructures, all regimes more or less, have had the same model. The main definingcharacter of the fascist economy is the principle of goverment-buisnessrelationship. Like the first fascist regime in Italy, its leader created asystem where private ownership was allowed but state intervention was issued onmanagement and labour. He did this by creating grouped established syndicates,such(prenominal) as The National Confederation of Commerce or the The National Federationof Credit and Insurgence. The government then controlled these under managingagencies called Corporati ons which in turn would range issues andguidelines such as supply and demand, labour disputes or what beguile thebusiness is to aim at. Although the system is supposed to function as apartnership, the government is ever in control and dominate.Although the fascists claim this system is in the interest of the nation, it isonly in the interest of more empowerment for the government. Due to thissystem both the states interest and the interest of the owning class areintegrated which creates an elite. Therefore the development and technologyonly serves the interest of the elite and not the working class which is to be

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